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Paul Dickens Doe was born and raised in Africa for most of his life.
He studied as a Social Worker and also took business courses before being called into full-time ministry.
Over the past 16 years he has served in various capacities as an Administrator, Pastor, Church planter, community developer and international ministries coordinator for different organizations.
Currently, he is the president of the Center for Africa Missions; and organization committed to the work of missions in Africa through the establishment of schools, new churches, leadership training and development, crusades and other relief efforts.
He is also an international speaker bringing the gospel of hope and restoration to the nations of Europe, America and Latin America.
Pastor Paul is married to Angela Rose who moved from the California, U.S.A to resettle in Africa to work in transforming lives through the power of Jesus Christ. Together they have twin girls Senna Rose and Sela Marie aged 4.

This is an anointed woman of God and on fire to see the Kingdom of God expands to the poor and hurting. 
Lori is our California representative. She is also the President of Missions 2 Africa. Each year she leads a team to Africa to work with us to put smiles on the faces of those we are reaching.
Lori is Married to Michael and has a wonderful son.